August 27, 2011

Addyson's goose egg.

This last week has been pretty rough on Addyson. She is defenseless sometimes. Her cousin Justin likes to throw things at her head and push her down. It does make me angry because I don't like walking around with a kid who looks like I beat her. The other day Justin threw a toy at Addyson's head and it left a big goose egg on her forehead. Last night he kicked a bucket and it hit Addyson in the back of the head and then last night a remote was thrown right at her head. I'm just really tired of the kicking, hitting, screaming, throwing, and biting. Addyson isn't no angel but it frustrates me that she bites Justin, I wish she wouldn't but I guess when someone is hitting you, that is what you got to do back. It's the end of the world when Addyson does something. I hope that we can get our own space, where they aren't in each others spaces anymore. I understand that its Justin's toys she is playing with but I do have some of Addysons there, so it shouldn't be a tragic story to share. Josh has applied for a new job. I really hope we can get settled here shortly. I'm going to go look at a house maybe today and sign papers for the apartment, we'll see what sticks with us. Praying hard!

August 23, 2011

Addyson's Update

Addyson now says many more words; she now says:
What's that?
Who's that?

She has 10 teeth. Two just popped through at the same time the 2nd week in August.
She will bring a stool over to the chair and climbs up to the table and stands
on the table and yells "Jooosh" or something.
Addyson points. I wish she wouldn't.
She only sits on the potty for a little while, but if I attach the part to the toilet
she'll stay there for a long time.
Addyson isn't a bottle baby anymore as of a month/two ago.
She is in a size 4 diapers & wears size 12 month clothing, sometimes 18 month.
Her shoe size is 3 - 4.
She still doesn't like cartoons.
She loves being outdoors.
Now in Idaho, she plays in the dirt, gravel, she even eats the sand.
She loves the river and lake.
She loves playing with other kids.
She is afraid of her grandparents. Sometimes likes her Papa Erik.
Justin and her play together, most days Justin slams her in a door, hits her, pushes her, or even spits on her and screams No at her. She gets him back by biting him.
Her hair is so long now. And it has lighten a lot.

Sometimes I get sad..

I feel that I have been more sad than happy lately.
I'm sad that we are far from our friends back in Washington.
I'm sad that we don't have a place yet, I'm very picky.
I'm sad that I can't live at my grandmas anymore. (She's really good with Addyson & our stuff is there)
I'm sad that Summer is almost over.
I'm sad that we can't go to a mall that has more than three stores in it.
I'm sad that everytime I watch a movie that is close to being sad, I cry.
I'm sad that Justin pushes, spits, yells, screams at Addyson.
I'm sad that Addyson bites Justin. (After he pushes her..)
I'm sad that Josh works so hard.
I'm sad that I can't get a job in this small tiny town.
I'm sad there isn't a store open 24/7.
I'm sad that Josh's grandma is so sick. (but is finally having good days)
I'm sad that Paco hasn't been staying with us. (At my parents all the time)
I'm sad that Addyson doesn't have a stable place to be/life right now.
I'm sad that our life is so messy.
I'm sad that everyone treats Addyson like we still live miles away. (I don't get along with Addyson because she can't talk in sentences? Seriously? Maybe we should move to Wyoming)
I'm sad that I feel that we should just take the job offer in Wyoming.
I'm sad my tooth is needing work done still, but not in as much pain, hardly any.

I am excited for....

My Birthday
Hunting season
Shopping Trip
Josh's Birthday
Seeing our family for the holidays

Just us being happy<3

Rodeo Weekend

This past weekend was rodeo weekend. The biggest thing that this town I grew up in has. We took Addyson out to lunch then sat and watched the parade. She loved seeing the horses. After the parade we went straight to the rodeo grounds. Addyson only liked watching the fast horses and sometimes the bulls. She mainly loved her ice cones. Addyson also received a freezbie from the clowns. (Also known as one of Josh's friends from Highschool who was trying out being the clown for the rodeo) I took Addyson back to Auntie Nicole's and had dinner. That night they were having a band at the community center, and I really wanted to go dancing. I waited for Nicole to come home with the babysitter and we were off to hit the big town. I had so much fun. It was the most fun I have had since we moved back. Josh and I danced until 1 am. I hate leaving Addyson, but I could never have done that with her there, plus I don't want her around people who are drinking. We are going to look at a house this upcoming weekend & maybe an apartment. I hope they are both decent. Trying to find a place here is hard. Hopefully we can get settled into our life. I want to be happy where ever we are<3

August 17, 2011

Concert Photos

Camping on the Northfork

Nicole, the kids, and I all went down to a funeral for their great-grandma on Josh's mom's side. After that we raced home to get things ready for camping. We decided to all head out (including Austin) to the northfork river to camp with Josh's parents, my parents were at a complete different location. It was my first time having to get Addyson to sleep without her crib/pack n' play. I was very worried I couldn't get her to sleep, but she just laid there with a little Lateran that Josh brought for light and fell right to sleep on my pillow. It was very cute. I just laid there and watch her sleep until I finally fell sleep. We took our truck out there, it was nice to have a vehicle we could go up in the mountains with. Addyson enjoyed eatting camp food, along with playing at the beach and going in the river by herself. Josh made me swim across the river to jump off a rock. I would have been a goner if Josh didn't help me cross. The current was to fast for me. I jumped in and it didn't take me down. We kind of road the fast water, which was fun. Addyson got really dirty and ate a lot of dirt and sand. WOOPS! I forgot how much sand sticks to you. It was a good weekend, and probably our only/last camping trip.

All Addyson

August 11, 2011


Josh bought a dodge ram truck, that is pretty blue. Its really nice inside but the paint has a few scratches and what not. We got 1200 off of it after the guy first said he wasn't going to go down anymore. So now Josh has his work truck/hunting truck/fishing truck/play truck... even for used its in a good shape, needs a few things replaced, oil soon, etc, but its good. I'm actually happy about it. Northfork bound this weekend with it, I'm so excited to see the river, I've basically lived on the lake, at the river, and in swimming pools. I forgot how nice Idaho weather is. Addyson has been playing hard with her cousin Justin, even though he pushes her around and tells her NO, ALOT! But thats ok, we love him anyways. Next week we should know how much longer we have to wait for an apartment. I didn't know I was so picky with houses, I can't find one that I can see our furniture in, and my daughter playing in. They are pretty crappy, and for the people who own them, they should be embarrassed! You have money, you might want to put that into your house so people would rent it. I can't wait to move out of this little town. I love being close to the Clearwater River but sometimes its nice to have a 24 hr opened store. Everything is going alright. Addyson no jumps off the table (just a kid table) but crawls onto the big table. Which she gets a stool then gets on the chair then on the table, very smart girl. Her hair is getting so long. She always says JOSH. My bad, I can't bring myself to call Josh, Dad, for her sake, I have to work on that. I still haven't seen my sissy since I have been home and its coming up on 2 months. I hope she is ok. We're going to a funeral tomorrow. Josh's great grandma died a week ago, we didn't really know her but she was there for when Justin was born and when we got married. I am sad she never met Addyson. DANG NAVY. (that's the past....) We were planning a trip to silverwood but Josh now has a company picnic. He makes 400 dollars more a month than he did when he departed the NAVY. I'm going to start a little daycare. So far I got two kids, a girl and a boy. Can't complain, $30 a day. I better go fold laundry.

August 05, 2011

bad news

I have been in pain for the last few days. My tooth that I got fixed before we moved away from Oak Harbor is starting to have major nerve issues. The nerves are dieing and now I am to make a choice, pull it for $88 without insurance or have a root canal $700 and get to keep my tooth. I'm on hydros and antibiotics to help with the swelling that might occur over the weekend. I am not knowning what to do.... I have such bad luck! I called our Navy insurance and they told me it ended August 1st, that was four days ago! =[