April 29, 2011

All for Nothing.

Sometimes I get so worked up over nothing. Everything always works out, nobody is going to die, even if you feel like you are going to die. I've been stressed out for 2 months now. Ever since this stuff has been going on with Josh. I am very thankful for our family, especially my mom, for being there, and a few great friends. I've been stressing over, bills, food (food?), birthday party, parents coming, my hair, my weight, Addy's pictures (which are so expensive to buy now), and our car. I guess this is all normal for humans/adults to be stressing over. I am a worrier! I worry about what color my underwear are! I think I need help! I hope and pray that Addyson isn't like me she is more like her dad. He just goes with stuff and always is calm. I am always like a duck. Calm on the outside and kicking like made underneath. Another thing that is starting to stress me out, Addyson is grinding her teeth now. Her top tooth has almost came in all the way and she grinds it with the bottom two. Her crib looks terrible from her biting it. I'm going insane with that. I like to keep things nice, well that's far from looking its best. When will I ever find calm and peace?

April 27, 2011

I wish I loved myself more.

Losing the rest of this baby weight is so hard, I have 10lbs to go, maybe a good 20lbs to where I feel amazing about myself? I get discourage when I don't see much results and I hear from my husband little comments or "advice" but I am needing to do this for me. I just need the push. Where can I find it? Crying in my bedroom isn't enough.

April 26, 2011

Addyson's One Year Old Pictures


Here's the sneak preview. :) We got lucky and got the proofs to look at today. Lets just say I'm in love all over. I love this little girl. Shes my everything!

Calvin's Adopted!

I was having a hard time with Calvin being at a pet shelter. I wanted to go back and get him. They told us they were going to post video and stuff of him on their Facebook page. I never could find their page. I finally went on their home page today and found their link to their page. And there it was. April 17th photo album had a picture of Calvin and a Man. He adopted Calvin! Calvin wasn't even there for a full day! I hope god is looking over Calvin. He is such a good dog. I hope the man is taking good care of him. God is good!


I can't believe our little girl's birthday party is in LESS than a month! Our family and a few friends are coming to our house to celebrate. I have lots of organizing and planning to do. Its all giving me a headache. Josh wants to BBQ. I hope its a nice weekend! I'm just so excited to celebrate her day! (& it's her Grandpa Erik's birthday too!)

Whidbey for the Summer?

We found out that Josh is on hold to transfer because the situation in his old shop is going to Court Marshall. Josh gets to have a lawyer and has to testify and everything. Its very scary. Everyone says that they are over reacting. I think they are too. It's a waste of time, Josh didn't do anything that is about this case, just not taking the right action by grabbing the phone and taking it to the supervisor. I hope god is watching over us and has a hand in all this. We are praying for the best outcome possible. The Commanding Officer is making this a "speedy" trial which means it has to be closed in 120 days which is four months. Looks like we'll be spending our third summer here on the Island. (I wish we were moving...)

Addyson's Third TOOTH!

Here's Addyson's 3rd tooth poking through. Its getting almost all the way out. This is what caused a 104 fever. She finally cut this tooth either April 15th. But I noticed it coming through April 16th.

April 24, 2011

Easter Fun!

This Easter was Addyson's first Easter. We were too busy in the morning to do her Easter basket stuff so we hurried and got ready for dinner, because they changed the time earlier in the afternoon than later. Addy had a blast playing at Ryan and Brookes. Ryan fried a turkey and it turned out so good. At 3 Addy was more than ready for a nap, her eyelids were very heavy. When we got home it was naptime. She didn't wake up till 5. Finally, we got to do Easter basket. Addyson followed the eggs to her basket stopping to play with the eggs, and she actually got into her basket. I think she had a good time, we all had a good time.

Happy 1st Easter Addy

Addyson's first Easter. Another celebration! And the last first holiday for little miss. I'm over joyed but yet sad this is her last first holiday, but I am excited for all that is to come, they only get more fun right?

Happy Easter!

Addyson's 11 mo. old :)

Our little girl just turned 11 months old. She is such a blessing to us and we love her beyond the moon and back. Addy isn't walking yet, she just walks along things, pushes her highchair around, her little car around, and her walker. She'll stand all by herself in the middle of the floor but she won't walk. She has taken a step but then fell on her hands. She has the biggest smile and the cutest dimples around. She recently had her top front tooth come in. Now she has three teeth!I think the other front tooth is going to be coming in shortly. Since yesterday was such a nice day we packed a lunch and went on a picnic at the beach, we had our lunch in the trees then we went on a little walk on the beach. We met up with Cassidy (The Darlington's) and Landon (The Hamilton's) and they all go to be pushed through the park. Addyson is still scared of the swing, but she really wanted to go go go with all the other kids. We then went to The Hamilton's house and had a BBQ. Addyson was still up to all her mischief. She was in to everything, and she was tuckered out when we got home at nine she was out like a light. We love you babygirl. I hope you had a good 11 months. :)

April 23, 2011

Friday evening walk.

Yesterday we took Addyson to the beach just about five minutes or less from our house. She was so calm. I think it will always be a place she will be calm at, when I was pregnant we went there so much, just to sit and relax. It was a great time, even when we found a hobo's house. :)