So I never really stopped to think that I am so lucky to have my husband helping me raise our daughter. I recently went to a blog, Little Miss Momma, that my friend got me hooked on, she always talks about her, well not always, but most times, love you Mandy ;), and she posted a give-a-way for single mothers. I chose to nominated my sister-in-law, Nicole. Nicole is Josh's (my husband's sister) I really hope she knows how proud we are are for, being young and sacrificing so much. I know at times I didn't think she was, but honestly, I know she is. We never really acknowledge their sacrifices, how much they go through being a single mommy. So I hope I spread the word for whoever looks at my blog to visit Little Miss Momma's blog (http://www.littlemissmomma.blogspot.com/) Here's the give-a-way info from her page:
Here's how you enter:
Leave a separate comment for each entry. Only entry #1 is required to enter the giveaway.
1. REQUIRED: Tell us about the single momma you think deserves to win. And visit the BOP shop, and tell us which sign you would chose for her. {you can nominate up to 3 mommas, leave a separate comment for each momma}.
2. LIKE Barn Owl Primitives on facebook and leave a comment on her wall that you stopped by from LMM.
3. Follow Barn Owl's Tweets.
4. Follow LMM.
5. Spread the word via your blog, facebook and/or twitter and leave a link in the comments. The WINNER will be announced on Sunday April 17th
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