For the last few days Addyson has had a fever that hasn't been under 101.4 but I finally got it to break yesterday morning 98.8 and then it went back up to 102.2 so I didn't want to go through what I did Tuesday night when it was 103.2 and I didn't take her in just gave her Tylenol and did what the Nurse from Urgent Care told me. So I packed up Addyson after Josh got home and I took her into Urgent Care. We got her weigh checked, her heart rate, her temp. by rectal and she had a 102.3 fever. They gave her Motrin and it made it worst, it went up to 104.2 and then the lady checked it again and it was 103.4. They gave her Tylenol and waited for a while and Addyson was so mad at the lady for putting that up her bum she screamed every time she came near her. The lady left and Addyson fell asleep. They took her temp using the ones that go along there forehead and she had a 98.8 and they let us go home. They think its teething. Someone told me that they should have checked her pee, just incase it was an UTI. I'm worried because her temp is 102.1 this morning.
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