January 06, 2012

Christmas 2011

I would have to say this was a very good Christmas. No not because Addyson got so much that she is now busy making sure her babies are fed, her tricycle is rode, and her clothes are folded. She is a good housekeeper ;) We had Christmas Eve with our ENTIRE family. Josh's and Mine. I was worried that nobody was going to have a good time, due to the fact it seems nobody likes each other, how sad, I know, but it turned out great! First time we had our families at our house in the same time/day. I made lasagna, and many other sides, and then for Christmas Day, I made Ham for Josh's sisters/Austin & Mom. Josh's dad had to work on Christmas Day, being Manager you have to be there for things like that. My parents went to my Uncles, and I just didn't feel comfortable driving that far when I just wanted to relax and enjoy gifts. I was a major slacker when it came to the Christmas cards this year. I hope all who got one had a picture in it, if not I'm so sorry! That's how crazy life is, next year Costco, 50 for $16.00 and you have your pictures plastered to the front of it :) Paco has been enjoying his bones and new toys. Addyson loves playing with him. We didn't have any snow. We live where they usually get 5 feet of snow. (& I'm typing this in January and its been 52 degrees!)

Before we had an evening Christmas (Day) dinner, Josh, Addyson and I went to his parents, nobody was around so we walked to the ponds (which don't have much water in them) which are frozen over, and "ice skated" on them. It was so fun. A memory to treasure forever!

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