February 18, 2011

Addyson Walking Soon?

Addyson is now climbing all over the place. She is always standing up along the couch, t.v. stand, or anything she can stand up on. Yesterday she took her little car thing that turns into a walker, but it was in a car position and she was just walking along and pushing it. I love her she is so stinking cute! I can't believe she knows all these things and is getting so big. She is now being very brave and sliding off the couch, but she tries to pull herself up on it but she is a weak in that department. She giggles and smiles big when I tell her no and (basically tab) smack her hand, she just thinks its funny. Yesterday she also called people on my cellphone, my grandparents where the ones on the other line thank goodness, and got a big kick out of their great-grand daughter. I am excited to go home and see them, but sometimes I just don't want to face all the other things there, for example, my sister. Her boyfriend is out hiding and she is back up with my parents. She is upset that he just ditched her and is more than likely thinking about himself. She comes and goes from my parents house as she pleases. I wish I could talk to her but oh well. I dont even know what to do there, I'm just happy Addyson is happy and healthy and she has NO IDEA whats going on.

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