Along came me, Samantha Anne Marshall
I was born to a wonderful loving mother, who didn’t have anyone by her side she didn’t let that stop her from keeping me because she had her families support in making it possible for me to come into this world. September 7th 1990, 9lbs. I was a major Grandpa Girl.
One years old. After living with my grandparents for a while my mom and her boyfriend, Jesse, moved into the Weippe Apartments and the only reason why I remember this is because my mom has pictures of my first birthday with pudding everywhere! Her tradition was giving each of us a pudding cup instead of a cake for our birthdays.
Terrible Twos for me and also I became a BIG SISTER my baby sister, Jessalynn Marie, was brought into this world, December 8, 1992, she had lots of red hair and very chubby cheeks.
My sister turned one and I turned three We use to play with our toys and play outside in the gravel. Every summer (from when I was born till I graduated) we always stayed a grandma & grandpa Lohman’s and helped with the Farming. We’d make Grandpa lunch and his hired help they’d either have us take it to them or they’d come in for dinner. I loved going to my grandma’s she made such good meals & she always had us cook with her. We would always cry when we had to leave and go back home. We also would go to Great Grandma Adeline’s to take care of her. She was really sick. I still remember being mad because I couldn’t stay with Grandpa at their house I had to stay with Grandma at Great-Grandma’s house, and Grandma told me to talk to Grandpa about why he cant come and get me and while I was crying on the phone my orange ice cream melted into liquid. When I went to bed I thought the bed had a squid living in it and I curled into a ball and closed my eyes tight and I just kept picturing a live squid in the bed with me. I was definitely a grandpa’s girl, but I am glad I got to spend time with my great-grandma & grandma.
We moved out of the apartment and into a house by the mill (still). My mom, Jess, and his mom all decided they would fix up this tiny one bedroom house. The start of a never ending remodel was in the making. My mom was pregnant with my baby brother. Our family was now going to be complete with a brother. My sister and I would put lotion on my moms stomach and sometimes we’d try and feel him kick. I think this was the summer my Grandpa Lohman cut off his finger. He was fixing the belt in the combine and in a blink of an eye it was gone, I remember walking outside and he yelled for me to get Grandma. She took him to the hospital while we stayed at the house, I think I was in charge but we had someone helping, like our Great-Grandma Connie.
Pre-School Days
I finally had a brother! His name is Wyatt Allen. He was such a cute little boy! I started preschool. I had the biggest crush on Austin Deal I would come home and I remember coming home and mom was sitting on the couch reading her newspaper and I would lay behind her and be in awe on how much I was in love with that boy. My very first crush, and he would always make me blush when I came to school, I had to wear my favorite rose skirt to school and it was to short and mom would tell me to take it off and put something else on but I wanted to impress Austin but when I got to school I was worried they’d see my underwear and when it came to circle time him and Kyle, his cousin, would point at me and say they seen my underwear! How embarrassing! But I got threw it, I had to be left behind while he got to go on to Kindergarten. But then I became friends with Walker Newcome and got to make more cards for my mom and grandparents. That’s what I loved about pre-school.
I had to repeat preschool. I wasn’t born early enough to go on with my classmates. Walker Newcome was mainly the only person from pre-school I remember. I enjoyed making cards for my parents, sister, and grandparents. I enjoyed games we played. My favorite time was the end of pre-school when they threw a party for us for “graduation” and they had a theme, Hawaiian, I remember how much I loved my hula skirt.
I finally had a brother! His name is Wyatt Allen. He was such a cute little boy! I started preschool. I had the biggest crush on Austin Deal I would come home and I remember coming home and mom was sitting on the couch reading her newspaper and I would lay behind her and be in awe on how much I was in love with that boy. My very first crush, and he would always make me blush when I came to school, I had to wear my favorite rose skirt to school and it was to short and mom would tell me to take it off and put something else on but I wanted to impress Austin but when I got to school I was worried they’d see my underwear and when it came to circle time him and Kyle, his cousin, would point at me and say they seen my underwear! How embarrassing! But I got threw it, I had to be left behind while he got to go on to Kindergarten. But then I became friends with Walker Newcome and got to make more cards for my mom and grandparents. That’s what I loved about pre-school.
I had to repeat preschool. I wasn’t born early enough to go on with my classmates. Walker Newcome was mainly the only person from pre-school I remember. I enjoyed making cards for my parents, sister, and grandparents. I enjoyed games we played. My favorite time was the end of pre-school when they threw a party for us for “graduation” and they had a theme, Hawaiian, I remember how much I loved my hula skirt.
Elementary Years
I missed my siblings but I had to start Kindergarten. My teacher was Mr. Cole. He sang and played the guitar for us. I remember he taught us how to draw Mickey Mouse, and I had to restart three times, and I got in trouble because I was using to much paper. At lunch, we had to eat them at our desk. My mom packed my lunch, she put in the Doritos with Ranch, well I got one stuck in my throat and the teacher’s aide just told me to keep drinking milk and it will go down, it scared me so much. Not only was that a scary part of Kindergarten, but I got so sick I remember laying by the garbage can waiting to throw up. Lets just say, that probably wasn’t my best moment.
I missed my siblings but I had to start Kindergarten. My teacher was Mr. Cole. He sang and played the guitar for us. I remember he taught us how to draw Mickey Mouse, and I had to restart three times, and I got in trouble because I was using to much paper. At lunch, we had to eat them at our desk. My mom packed my lunch, she put in the Doritos with Ranch, well I got one stuck in my throat and the teacher’s aide just told me to keep drinking milk and it will go down, it scared me so much. Not only was that a scary part of Kindergarten, but I got so sick I remember laying by the garbage can waiting to throw up. Lets just say, that probably wasn’t my best moment.
The middle of my 1st grade year. My teacher was Mrs. Cook, we didn’t have her as a teacher very long because she was pregnant with a baby girl, which she named Anikka, so we had a sub for the rest of the year, named Mrs. Ramey. I loved playing at recess. We use to play games like there was a shark and we had to stay on a boat, little roll games like that.
I was so excited to be in 2nd grade. My teacher was Miss Logan. She later became Mrs. Lutes.
She was the coolest teacher, ever! She was so fun and I just admired her. Jake Jared and I use to collect pencils and whoever collected the most I guess got bragging rights to how many either one had. She had a “good chart” taped to our desk and once we filled it up with stickers we got to design a t-shirt. Since I was hanging out with Tallie Sutton (my neighbor at the time) and we road her horses, I chose a horse looking out of a barn window. It had my name and grade up in the corner. I wore that shirt a lot. I loved it. One of my first horrible drama fights was in 2nd grade. I was very confused I wasn’t getting a long with this girl name Naomi, and I would talk to my friend Ian, and he would help me talk about it, as so I thought. I was alone at recess and I was walking and they brought me a note and I read it and it was horrible and signed anonymous. I started crying and my mom was there that day and I gave it to her and my mom brought it to my teacher. There was a class meeting and not only did my AMAZING teacher give everyone a piece of her mind but my mom said something. Finally it came out that Ian wrote the note, I couldn’t believe it. I learned a lot my 2nd grade year. (& my sissy was in school now too but for half days) & I think this is where I walked to the store where my mom was working when my step dad would watch us and he made us play outside & we were all mad at him so I walked to my mom to tell her what was going on. Lets just say I got in BIG trouble! I promised my sister & brother candy, but I think I even came back empty handed!
Grandma Lohman would take us girls shopping for clothes for school. Even though mom got us some things grandma always got us awesome stuff. We’d always go with Aunt Dixie. Usually we’d do it when we’d do our summer visits. My 3rd grade year was the hardest, we had to learn CURSIVE and Accelerated Math. Teacher; Mrs. Dobson.
Grandma Lohman would take us girls shopping for clothes for school. Even though mom got us some things grandma always got us awesome stuff. We’d always go with Aunt Dixie. Usually we’d do it when we’d do our summer visits. My 3rd grade year was the hardest, we had to learn CURSIVE and Accelerated Math. Teacher; Mrs. Dobson.
Fourth grade - Mrs. Sellers (Mrs. Dobson’s Daughter) I’m pretty sure she had her baby girl this year too. But what I do remember is we still had recess out front, we had reading groups with the fifth graders, and it was so boring. Jerry Huddleston was the new kid in our class, and had a major crush on me. We also were in the old Kindergarten room. As much as I was looking forward to having Mrs. Shields as my teacher we had a great teacher, named Mrs. Anderson. Her grandson Dylan was friends with my sister & me. She was so nice she had all these ideas about giving us snacks, which I was always starving at the end of the day. THANK YOU MRS. ANDERSON. We had state projects, mine was Tennessee. This is where I started struggling in Math. Not only was I struggling but in 01’ the class lost one of the classmates, DAVID HIBBS. He was a friend to many, a brother to two girls, and a son to a mom and dad. Nobody understands what really happens but we heard he hung himself. We were all in shock. Andrew’s dad came and talked to us all. I just remember crying and the 9/11 attack was going on the television throughout the school. It was a tough way to start 5th grade. My best friend Autumn U. and I got in a fight, thanks to probably Ian. But we worked it out, I got tired of playing little kid games with Krystal, Lisa, and Tori. Lisa did too, I think. We were finally in the back with all the big kids. After making it through the funeral, tough math problems, and whatever other obsticle there was, I made it through and started 6th grade, thinking I was going
To have Mrs. Lutes (Aka Miss Logan) as a teacher again but I got Mrs. Anderson! I was so happy because she and I were close. Not like she favored me but I loved doing things for her. (I was also playing pee-wee basketball with a bunch of others. I was on the team called “Sonics” I had Ian, Tori, Dusty, Kevin…. And that’s all I remember. I enjoyed it very much and I got pretty good. We played again the pierce school and other teams made from our Weippe school. Whats funny is we all became teammates in Junior High, I played basketball for three years elementary & I’m pretty sure I started softball for the team that Valerie Mc. Started in Pierce, I got to pitch, play short stop, and second base)
End of 6th grade. I babysat for Brandy Bivens for the summer and it was a continuous job until she didn’t need me anymore. I worked clear up to the end of 8th grade (04-05)
Junior High Years
End of 6th grade. I babysat for Brandy Bivens for the summer and it was a continuous job until she didn’t need me anymore. I worked clear up to the end of 8th grade (04-05)
Junior High Years
I started 7th grade. I had the biggest crush on this boy named Greg. He was in high school and I was just in junior high. I was happy that someone older thought of me as a girlfriend. Having to take care of my sister & brother while my parents would have to go to work, I felt like I was more mature. He was home school but then his mom put him in public school to finish out his hisgh school. Obviously a 13 year old dating at 16 year old wasn’t the best idea. He was more into different things than I was and tried to force a lot of things on me. I wasn’t ready but I am glad I always told him no with everything. He ended up telling his friends and other high schoolers that I would do all these things with him. I got a bad reputation with many people that I was a big slut. When honestly, I was embarrassed that I was with him, finally I dumped him, after I got the courage and started dating Kaden Jared, I really liked him, we’d hold hands in all the time, and I even bought him a Christmas gift (mom picked it out) I also made friends with the pierce girls. Ashton Ward and I had a lot in common and I also became friends with her twin sister, Alisha, and other girls, Britney, Kayla, and Pam. I really liked these girls but it was hard to be friends with the twins because all the freshman boys were in love with them and I don’t think I was cool enough to hang out with them. I ended up broke it off with Kaden because of Greg, he was totally an jerk to him and I didn’t want anyone to suffer. I was so glad that he graduated and I could live my life. He apologized to me for starting rumors and Andrew witnessed it, It was awkward, I really just wanted to punch him in the face. I started my first time playing volleyball, Coach Mrs. Daniels. I thought we were big bad basketball players. Basketball was my favorite sport since I started in 4th grade. And I never took track I tried it but ended up just sticking to softball in the summer.
End of 7th beginning of 8th grade. I became friends with Linzy Brown, I thought we’d be best friends forever but we really didn’t but for the most part of 8th grade we were. I was in deep love with Ricky from a different town. We played against them for basketball and I was the highschool basketball manager because the basketball coach thought I could learn some pointers, so I’d see him at the games and we’d talk on MSN messenger, that was the “it” thing. I thought he liked me so I was really good friends with Naomi and I got booted form my ride to see him so I begged Naomi’s mom to take us to watch AAU, which I just wanted to see my crush, I feel so bad now looking back because it was her birthday and I can never give her that back. (that’s why she probably hates me!) Anyways, I finally realized it wasn’t ment to be because he wasn’t as interested in me as I thought. I was a little heartbroken. Linzy, Alisha, and I tried out for cheerleading, we made the team for the 05-06 school year as freshmen. That summer we went to cheer camp at the University of Idaho. I was so shy and I felt fat. All the girls were skinny. I guess my freshman year was when I lost a lot of my weight.
I started 7th grade. I had the biggest crush on this boy named Greg. He was in high school and I was just in junior high. I was happy that someone older thought of me as a girlfriend. Having to take care of my sister & brother while my parents would have to go to work, I felt like I was more mature. He was home school but then his mom put him in public school to finish out his hisgh school. Obviously a 13 year old dating at 16 year old wasn’t the best idea. He was more into different things than I was and tried to force a lot of things on me. I wasn’t ready but I am glad I always told him no with everything. He ended up telling his friends and other high schoolers that I would do all these things with him. I got a bad reputation with many people that I was a big slut. When honestly, I was embarrassed that I was with him, finally I dumped him, after I got the courage and started dating Kaden Jared, I really liked him, we’d hold hands in all the time, and I even bought him a Christmas gift (mom picked it out) I also made friends with the pierce girls. Ashton Ward and I had a lot in common and I also became friends with her twin sister, Alisha, and other girls, Britney, Kayla, and Pam. I really liked these girls but it was hard to be friends with the twins because all the freshman boys were in love with them and I don’t think I was cool enough to hang out with them. I ended up broke it off with Kaden because of Greg, he was totally an jerk to him and I didn’t want anyone to suffer. I was so glad that he graduated and I could live my life. He apologized to me for starting rumors and Andrew witnessed it, It was awkward, I really just wanted to punch him in the face. I started my first time playing volleyball, Coach Mrs. Daniels. I thought we were big bad basketball players. Basketball was my favorite sport since I started in 4th grade. And I never took track I tried it but ended up just sticking to softball in the summer.
End of 7th beginning of 8th grade. I became friends with Linzy Brown, I thought we’d be best friends forever but we really didn’t but for the most part of 8th grade we were. I was in deep love with Ricky from a different town. We played against them for basketball and I was the highschool basketball manager because the basketball coach thought I could learn some pointers, so I’d see him at the games and we’d talk on MSN messenger, that was the “it” thing. I thought he liked me so I was really good friends with Naomi and I got booted form my ride to see him so I begged Naomi’s mom to take us to watch AAU, which I just wanted to see my crush, I feel so bad now looking back because it was her birthday and I can never give her that back. (that’s why she probably hates me!) Anyways, I finally realized it wasn’t ment to be because he wasn’t as interested in me as I thought. I was a little heartbroken. Linzy, Alisha, and I tried out for cheerleading, we made the team for the 05-06 school year as freshmen. That summer we went to cheer camp at the University of Idaho. I was so shy and I felt fat. All the girls were skinny. I guess my freshman year was when I lost a lot of my weight.
High School Years
I became a freshman that fall of 05’ I wasn’t looking forward to being the “underdog” of the high school and I didn’t like the Seniors at the time. But being an underdog wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Even though I started out being on J.V. for Volleyball, but the Coach put me as back side hitter/ digger for Varsity. I got to play a few times during rotations. We had a good season for Cheerleading won a few awards. But I was mainly focused on Basketball because I felt like I had a lot of pressure on my shoulders because our point guard hurt her ankle not even half way through the season. I got to be a starter for varsity! I had a crush on Joshua Stuart, but I don’t think he even knew I existed. My mom’s best friend moved away to Yelm, Wa., she was always there for me when I had problems, so I was now dealing with everything on my own but I tried to talk to my mom and I think we grew stronger and stronger. I just happened to be friends with Josh’s ex girlfriend and she would talk badly about Josh and it made me mad but I just didn’t think that one day we’d maybe be together…..
Josh and I started dating! It was the end of my freshman year and the end of his sophomore year. Only because I ditched softball for Track. He said when he came back from Track and I gave him a huge and said I missed him because I didn’t get to talk to him the entire weekend and I was use to talking EVERY NIGHT, he said he fell for me hard then… what a strange little boy! ;) We had lots of fun together. That summer I had a job at the library/discovery center and Josh was fixing fence after he would finish he’d ride his bike into town which was around 7-8 miles just to bring me lunch or just talk. I fell deeply in love. He ended up getting my a promise ring. I knew at 15 years old that Josh would be my husband one day, many probably thought I was crazy showing up at Volleyball practice with a ring on my finger. We were now connected at the hip. I got to go to Nashville, TN. For FCCLA with Jade & Britney for our JSB JAVA project. Josh’s mom invited me to go to Silverwood with them since Josh’s dad wasn’t going. She even paid for me, I really loved his family from the beginning. Josh’s moms dog had her puppies this year too, my first time spending the night with Josh, we tried to stay awake until they were born but we fell asleep on the couch, my parents weren’t happy that I spent the night but they never drove out to get me. We started school. He was a Junior and I was now a sophomore. Oh, and we got our drivers license, I drove an old farm truck and Josh drove a four-runner.

Josh and I dated one year! I became a cheer captain! It was very shocking that I out of the other girls got the title. My entire family was proud. Josh and I had fun going to boise for school trips and we both even got a job at the same place that summer. We spent a lot of time together. I still hung out with Jade as much as I could. I felt like I was on cloud nine. I couldn’t believe my boyfriend was a senior and he was thinking about joining the MARINES. But his dad made him explore other options in the military and after his friend Dereck made the decision to join the NAVY so did Josh. It felt like everyday went to fast.

2008 - I finished my Junior year of high school with ending the basketball season with a better record than the last year, started track and actually got some pretty cool medals and I was still busy with Cheerleading it was a never ending sport for me. This was the tough year for Josh and I, and also his family. Josh’s sister, Nicole, found out she was pregnant, as shocked as we were in the end we were very excited. She brought a beautiful baby boy, Justin Michael, into this world on November 23, 2008. I finally got all the money I needed for my trip to Hawaii thanks to my Grandparents for giving me 1,000 dollars. I pocketed $100 of it for souvenirs. I was glad that I didn’t have to put on another Donkey Basketball, bake more goodies, or make more suckers to sell at lunch. Josh graduated from high school and we spent our last summer together. I had to be pulled away from him so I could attend my Hawaii trip. I fell in love with Hawaii but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I should have knowing he was leaving and you don’t realize how many snotty girls are out there until you are at a cheerleading camp! I will never forget my experience there but I was glad to be back home.
Everyone helped me through Josh leaving, I sat in my room
for two weeks crying, Rocky Ridge Lake 08'
Josh left August 20, 2008 for boot camp. I wrote him everyday. He didn’t come home until December for Christmas & New Years. It was my Senior year of high school, I kept myself busy so I didn’t have to think about Josh being so far away. Sadly, I decided Cheerleading wasn’t for me anymore since the coach was a major pain in my butt.
Josh left August 20, 2008 for boot camp. I wrote him everyday. He didn’t come home until December for Christmas & New Years. It was my Senior year of high school, I kept myself busy so I didn’t have to think about Josh being so far away. Sadly, I decided Cheerleading wasn’t for me anymore since the coach was a major pain in my butt.

(three month into my senior year)

did everything with "Us."

He proposed on December 22nd. We were at his friends house and he didn’t have my ring yet but he had my promise ring and asked me outside with the lights and I was so surprised but EVERYONE else knew he was going to do it. Now on top of it being the middle of my senior year I had a lot of planning to do for out little wedding.

He proposed on December 22nd. We were at his friends house and he didn’t have my ring yet but he had my promise ring and asked me outside with the lights and I was so surprised but EVERYONE else knew he was going to do it. Now on top of it being the middle of my senior year I had a lot of planning to do for out little wedding.

Engaged couple
End of Senior Year & Beginning of Adulthood 2009

New Vehicle (to us) May 2009

Cody N. & I - We walked down together

I graduated from high school May 30, 2009 and said my goodbyes to my family & friends and off I went to live with my husband in our first house in Oak Harbor, Wa. I fell in love with the town but missed my family back in Idaho. Josh and I were busy trying to make our house a home. I didn’t work because we only had one vehicle and so I became a stay at home wife, which was rather boring, but I am glad I made a good friend, Mandy. We have so much in common, we hung out a lot, and I just adored her baby boy, Brady. In October, I found out I was pregnant. We couldn’t believe that we were starting our family. A few weeks later Mandy found out she was so our journey in becoming parents & mine being pregnant began. 2009 not only blessed us with the news of our first child coming but we made many friends and enjoyed our summer as a newlyweds, exploring Washington, doing really fun things with the Johnsons & their families. I will never forget this year.
Three weeks early at exactly 37 weeks, our beautiful daughter, Addyson Sage, joined us. She weighted 5lbs 10.5oz. & 19inches long. She was so tiny and I was instantly in love when I seen her that she was in the doctors hands. I was more in love with Josh than I have ever been. He stood by my side as well as Mandy, she really is the best friend I ever had, she’s always there for me when I need her. Her family did a lot for us the first week of Addyson’s life.
We are so blessed to have a beautiful, smart, daughter, supportive family, and amazing friends! We’ve watched her grow up into a smart ambitious little girl. She ended 2010 being seven months old. She’s crawling, loves walking with mom or dad holding her hands. Loves eating like a big girl. We absolutely adore her and couldn’t ask for anything more from her, she’s perfect in everyway.

~ I hope this timeline helps my daughter (or future kids) get a little outline about my childhood. I didn’t say a lot about my parents but I was really close to my mom and grandparents. My step dad and I had a rocky relationship. I love my sister and brother so much. When I was 12 years old I met my grandparents form my biological fathers side. They took me to church with them, on a trip to see my Aunt Gayle and my half brother Cory & his family. It was a tough time in my life because I knew most of my biological family but not my biological father. When I was 16 years old he finally wanted to get to know me, I was so angry at him that it took him this long to get to know me. I had to spend Christmas with them trying to be nice to my grandparents by doing so, but I honestly was sick to my stomach. When he heard that I was getting married to Joshua, he called me up and screamed at me. I haven’t talk to him since and it gets hard to talk to my grandparents knowing I am not having anything to do with him and my Grandma keeps pushing me in to having a relationship with him. I hope someday Addyson understands why I am doing this and doesn’t hate me for it. I sometimes thinks that it might be a good idea to have her see him but I just can’t bring myself to it. I was so happy to have him in my life but honestly it was the worst thing ever for me. Yes, I still went to my grandparents (Lohmans) house every summer, I still try to go there every summer as an adult, but traveling is expensive but I do what I can. They mean a lot to me. My little brother is now a highschoolers, and my sister is graduating this year 2011. I gained another family, Josh’s family, that I truly adore. I am very lucky to have all these wonderful people in my life. We all may say things, do things, through the year, but in the end we love each other and are there for each other no matter what. I can’t believe our daughter will be one years old this year (2011) and I’m so glad that all these memories are with me and I can’t wait to share all the stories I have with our daughter (and if we do have kids later on). This timeline isn’t even half of it. I’m just full of stories!
Happy New Year 2009
End of Senior Year & Beginning of Adulthood 2009
After my senior year of basketball ended and I was completely focused on getting my C.N.A. license and attempted to do track but with the wedding plans taking my extra time up I had to sadly quite track. I wasn’t even in the mood for track that year because I usually did it with Josh and he wasn’t there anymore. Jade and I bonded even more than we did our freshman year. We did a lot of stuff together and she was joining the Navy too, I felt like the Navy was taking everyone important to me. I finally got my C.N.A. license but decided maybe one day I’ll use it but I never got a job after I got it. Some of my friendships were breaking up, but maybe it was for the best all I cared about it graduating.
given by my Grandma Lohman
Three best friends Jade, Mindy, and Me
May 9, 2009
I love him then and more today....
My really good friend Kysondra Mc. &
I graduated from high school May 30, 2009 and said my goodbyes to my family & friends and off I went to live with my husband in our first house in Oak Harbor, Wa. I fell in love with the town but missed my family back in Idaho. Josh and I were busy trying to make our house a home. I didn’t work because we only had one vehicle and so I became a stay at home wife, which was rather boring, but I am glad I made a good friend, Mandy. We have so much in common, we hung out a lot, and I just adored her baby boy, Brady. In October, I found out I was pregnant. We couldn’t believe that we were starting our family. A few weeks later Mandy found out she was so our journey in becoming parents & mine being pregnant began. 2009 not only blessed us with the news of our first child coming but we made many friends and enjoyed our summer as a newlyweds, exploring Washington, doing really fun things with the Johnsons & their families. I will never forget this year.
Three weeks early at exactly 37 weeks, our beautiful daughter, Addyson Sage, joined us. She weighted 5lbs 10.5oz. & 19inches long. She was so tiny and I was instantly in love when I seen her that she was in the doctors hands. I was more in love with Josh than I have ever been. He stood by my side as well as Mandy, she really is the best friend I ever had, she’s always there for me when I need her. Her family did a lot for us the first week of Addyson’s life.

~ I hope this timeline helps my daughter (or future kids) get a little outline about my childhood. I didn’t say a lot about my parents but I was really close to my mom and grandparents. My step dad and I had a rocky relationship. I love my sister and brother so much. When I was 12 years old I met my grandparents form my biological fathers side. They took me to church with them, on a trip to see my Aunt Gayle and my half brother Cory & his family. It was a tough time in my life because I knew most of my biological family but not my biological father. When I was 16 years old he finally wanted to get to know me, I was so angry at him that it took him this long to get to know me. I had to spend Christmas with them trying to be nice to my grandparents by doing so, but I honestly was sick to my stomach. When he heard that I was getting married to Joshua, he called me up and screamed at me. I haven’t talk to him since and it gets hard to talk to my grandparents knowing I am not having anything to do with him and my Grandma keeps pushing me in to having a relationship with him. I hope someday Addyson understands why I am doing this and doesn’t hate me for it. I sometimes thinks that it might be a good idea to have her see him but I just can’t bring myself to it. I was so happy to have him in my life but honestly it was the worst thing ever for me. Yes, I still went to my grandparents (Lohmans) house every summer, I still try to go there every summer as an adult, but traveling is expensive but I do what I can. They mean a lot to me. My little brother is now a highschoolers, and my sister is graduating this year 2011. I gained another family, Josh’s family, that I truly adore. I am very lucky to have all these wonderful people in my life. We all may say things, do things, through the year, but in the end we love each other and are there for each other no matter what. I can’t believe our daughter will be one years old this year (2011) and I’m so glad that all these memories are with me and I can’t wait to share all the stories I have with our daughter (and if we do have kids later on). This timeline isn’t even half of it. I’m just full of stories!
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