This last week I've been in Auburn with Mandy and her family. It was very fun & nice to get away from the house since I'd be there most the time by myself since Josh had to work late a few times & took a trip to Burlington with his friend Aaron, so it worked out nice. It was stressful though. Two babies and a toddler make for one noisy, messy, house. I felt so bad that Trista & Dell's house was always a mess. They were so nice. We went to Cabelas, Heaven Sent, Federal Way to visit Joe & Mandy's sister (Mandy's sister-in-law), brother-in-law, and nephews. And Max their dog has been cured. He doesn't want to KILL me anymore. He was without his mussel all week. It was a miracle, he also went upstairs with Addyson and I and went into the room we were staying in, I was nervous but he didn't rip me to shreds because here I am typing. Mandy & I also made a cake since Mandy is into making cakes we made one, I didn't have a piece of it. I don't know why I must have forgot about it. It was suppose to be a haunted house, it actually turned out looking like a run-down house. haha. It was good for Addyson to be around other babies. She loves to laugh at Brady and hold Connors hand. As much as I like being home, I miss them. I probably won't see them for a long time. Which makes me sad. My first time leaving Addyson for my own fun. Mandy & I went to see a movie and it was later so Addyson was sleeping as well as Brady. I was worried that she'd wake up and freak out. (she has a bad temper) but luckily she didn't. It was so nice not to have to worry about a baby. Its been five months since I've been able to do something like that. The time we came back from Joe's parents house all three babies were asleep so Mandy and I laid out in the sun in her parent's front yard with the car doors open. Once one baby woke all of them woke. But there was a time when all three of them went down for a nap. I never thought that would happen with all three of them. --LOAD PICTURES LATER
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