This week has been the longest week of my life. Even though I am busy with Addyson I am still bored. I would say I CAN'T WAIT for MANDY to get here but I'll probably be gone by the time she gets here. Which really stinks but hopefully I get to see her. This week I've been putting Addyson on her stomach a lot more than usual. She is able to kick and move her head up and down. When she lays on your stomach she'll army crawl up your chest. She giggles when she smiles now, its not like any giggle you may know its more of a "hu hu hu" sound. Last night I forced myself to make sure she stayed in her crib all night. She woke up three times. One time because she kicked the covers off and was freezing, the second time was because it was her feeding time, and the last time was because of the same reason as number one. I am going to keep doing it. I couldn't believe how nice it was not to have another body in our bed. She is in a size one diapers since last week. She can still fit in Newborn but sometimes they seem like they dont want to fit. I really want to go shopping. I can't wait till I go with my mom. Even though the shopping there isn't as good as it is here. Josh and I might go this next week if we get money from his other account. His grandpa gave him money for graduation and it was invested and now we bought another vehicle (and that is what it was for) so now we can take it out. One week until Addyson and I stay at grammies house. I got her a onesie that says "what happens at grandmas house stays at grandmas house" I want to get her a grandpa one so if I am able to go to Burlington I will. This is her first BIG BIG adventure/vacation. We're staying till just before my birthday. Hopefully mom brings me back by then because I need to get my WIC for formula. I am not looking forward to being around all the drama. Believe me I almost got into the drama and god knows that would have torn the family apart again, you just have to realize how irresponsible a person is. She is doing good on the Soy. She spits up a little bit but hasn't been throwing up like she did. She threw up at Camp but I think that is because I over fed her, thinking she was still hungry. My recent obsession is "Gain" laundry soap. I want to wash EVERYTHING and ANYTHING with it. It smells so good. Today Josh got off early and we are heading to a picnic on base for the FRCW Command.
August 06, 2010
First week of August
This week has been the longest week of my life. Even though I am busy with Addyson I am still bored. I would say I CAN'T WAIT for MANDY to get here but I'll probably be gone by the time she gets here. Which really stinks but hopefully I get to see her. This week I've been putting Addyson on her stomach a lot more than usual. She is able to kick and move her head up and down. When she lays on your stomach she'll army crawl up your chest. She giggles when she smiles now, its not like any giggle you may know its more of a "hu hu hu" sound. Last night I forced myself to make sure she stayed in her crib all night. She woke up three times. One time because she kicked the covers off and was freezing, the second time was because it was her feeding time, and the last time was because of the same reason as number one. I am going to keep doing it. I couldn't believe how nice it was not to have another body in our bed. She is in a size one diapers since last week. She can still fit in Newborn but sometimes they seem like they dont want to fit. I really want to go shopping. I can't wait till I go with my mom. Even though the shopping there isn't as good as it is here. Josh and I might go this next week if we get money from his other account. His grandpa gave him money for graduation and it was invested and now we bought another vehicle (and that is what it was for) so now we can take it out. One week until Addyson and I stay at grammies house. I got her a onesie that says "what happens at grandmas house stays at grandmas house" I want to get her a grandpa one so if I am able to go to Burlington I will. This is her first BIG BIG adventure/vacation. We're staying till just before my birthday. Hopefully mom brings me back by then because I need to get my WIC for formula. I am not looking forward to being around all the drama. Believe me I almost got into the drama and god knows that would have torn the family apart again, you just have to realize how irresponsible a person is. She is doing good on the Soy. She spits up a little bit but hasn't been throwing up like she did. She threw up at Camp but I think that is because I over fed her, thinking she was still hungry. My recent obsession is "Gain" laundry soap. I want to wash EVERYTHING and ANYTHING with it. It smells so good. Today Josh got off early and we are heading to a picnic on base for the FRCW Command.
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