It's been a while since I've been able to write. Last weekend we met the Johnsons at the park in town. It has a swimming hole & two kiddy pools. We took the babies to the kiddy pool, mainly for Brady to enjoy the water. I secretly couldn't wait to put Addyson in her swim wear and test how she liked it. We first went to the baby shop and bought her some new stunnas. That place is seriously a rip off! Anyways, We finally all met and went over to the pool. Brady had fun. Addyson didn't mind the water. Mandy had to take care of Connor but it was hard for her to feed him out in public so we all packed up and left the park. Which is ok, since Josh and I got fried! Sunday we suffered with sore necks and arms. I wish I would have worn a tank top so my tan wouldn't look so ridiculous. Monday came and josh got the news that he got an EP (early promotion) evaluation which will more than likely guarantee him to being 3rd Class Petty Officer(E4) we also went on base and ran the trail, it about killed me, I'm so out of shape. Yesterday we had the maintenance people come to the house and fix our water spouts. They said they'd tell me if we needed to reschedule but they never came back. So I'm a little upset with them (again). Addyson has been doing wonderful, shes been cranky but I've come to deal with it. Shes been sleeping through the nights, which makes me happy. I feel refreshed! My phone is still crappy. I can't wait till the end of this month and I get a brand new one. It will be nice to text again and call people. I've been doing laundry like crazy. Either Addysons spits up a lot or she poops out her diaper. Hopefully today I can get out and do something besides the gym, ugh!
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