June 10, 2010

Just Addyson & I

Josh went back to work on Monday and its just been Addyson and I all night and all day. The all night thing, I'm serious. I wake up to feed Addyson so Josh gets sleep, kind of unfair, but I know that he needs his rest or I have to deal with a cranky man. He tries to help as much as he can after work. I'm kind of getting the hang of tending to my little girl and getting house work done. I'm worn out but I guess that is the life of a mommy. My parents and little sister are coming this weekend. They'll be here tomorrow & I'm very excited and curious on what we are all going to do. I've been doing my best to get this house clean. The downstairs bathroom was dirty, nobody every goes down there so there were dead bugs and mold in my toilet, yuck. I'm so embarrassed! Lets just say there was a lot of heavy cleaning yesterday and today I am going to do the rest. Last night we gave Addyson a bath without the newborn seat and that was a mistake, she needed it and to keep me sane I needed it I was so scared she was all slipper and going to fall out of my hands. She ended up peeing all over me before I got her in the bath. It was a lot of pee and it was all over. Her dad was having a panic attack. What a crazy night in the Stuart house.

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