A week ago we had a nice bbq and walk at Mandy & Joe's. While we were there my stomach was tighting but but I didn't have any pain. Mandy told me I should call the hospital but I didn't want to because I was embarrassed to. Before we left there house my mucus plug started coming out. I didn't tell anyone but when Josh and I got into the car I told him what happened. So we rushed home and I showed him what was going on he said that has to be it. So I called the hospital after calling my mom who told me I better call to see why my stomach was tighting. I called Labor and Delivery and they told me that I need to eat,count her kicks,take a warm shower,take Tylenol, and then lay down, If it doesn't go away come in. So I did all that she said but after the shower I was laying down watching t.v. and Josh didn't want to watch what I wanted to watch so I went to bed. One hour later, at 10:50 my water broke in bed. It was a lot. I was screaming for Josh who helped me out of bed and called Labor and Delivery. Josh was shaking, he called Mandy, and I was on the phone crying to my mom telling her my water broke & I am not ready to go through this right now! Josh was running around the house trying to get things but I just wanted to leave and get to the hospital. We made it safely to the hospital, barely, Josh was shaking and getting dizzy, but we made it! When I got there they hooked me up to monitors, water still coming out, and she made sure my water did break, then she hooked monitors up to me. Soon afterwards I felt the contractions. She finally checked me since I have never been checked. I was dilated to a "one" at 11:30. As the contractions got more intense I got more nervous and Josh was so good he really tried to comfort me by talking to me but I didn't want him to touch me. I had in my head if he touched me the contractions got worse, which they didn't. Mandy came to the hospital and she stayed a long time but then she went home when I was a five and everyone thought it would be in there for a while before I got to a ten. When they checked me next I was at a three, then I went from a three to a five, then to a seven. Fifteen minutes later I was dilated to a TEN! Josh called Mandy who came back to the hospital. I could feel the urge to push. (oh, I never got my epidural, I had to get a spinal thing, which wore off fast). So the whole time the guy was trying to put in my spinal I was trying not to push but that is impossible. I was comfortable for about an hour until it wore off. I pushed for two hours. I couldn't believe how I could feel everything, I thought I'd be pain free, but that isn't what happened. Addyson Sage was born at 7:08 on May 23,2010. She weighted 5lbs. 10.5 oz and 19 inches long. She was so tiny. When I first saw her I just couldn't believe that she was mine,she was beautiful and had a lot of dark hair! Josh and I were just crying. I am very thankful for Mandy and Joe. They helped me out a ton and are still helping me out. I've been very stressed. Addyson dropped down in weight to 5lbs. even. I tried breastfeeding. She was good at latching, but I didn't think she was getting enough since her weight went down. Nurses worked with us. I couldn't wait to get out of the hospital but I was scared to come home and feed by myself. We ended up finger feeding her formula to get her weight up. Every day since we got discharged we have been going to back to the hospital to get weight and her jaundice count. She's been slowly gaining. After a couple of nights of long feedings and very very little sleep, Josh and I were at ends with the breastfeeding, I was constantly crying and he was super grouchy and snappy at me. So we decided to get formula and feed her that way. Its been really nice to have some sleep and us not jumping at each others throats. So far she was weighing at 5lbs. 3.7oz. Today we go back, so I'm hoping that the formula/breast milk I'm pumping, is doing the job. We are very proud and love her so much. Mandy and Joe came to dinner with us to celebrate her coming into the world, just like we did when we first found out we were pregnant. We really wish our family would come and visit but we understand why they can't, but its hard with just us, but then again we have Mandy and she has been a very big help, I hope I can be a big help when her next one comes!
May 30, 2010
Addyson Sage - May 23, 2010
A week ago we had a nice bbq and walk at Mandy & Joe's. While we were there my stomach was tighting but but I didn't have any pain. Mandy told me I should call the hospital but I didn't want to because I was embarrassed to. Before we left there house my mucus plug started coming out. I didn't tell anyone but when Josh and I got into the car I told him what happened. So we rushed home and I showed him what was going on he said that has to be it. So I called the hospital after calling my mom who told me I better call to see why my stomach was tighting. I called Labor and Delivery and they told me that I need to eat,count her kicks,take a warm shower,take Tylenol, and then lay down, If it doesn't go away come in. So I did all that she said but after the shower I was laying down watching t.v. and Josh didn't want to watch what I wanted to watch so I went to bed. One hour later, at 10:50 my water broke in bed. It was a lot. I was screaming for Josh who helped me out of bed and called Labor and Delivery. Josh was shaking, he called Mandy, and I was on the phone crying to my mom telling her my water broke & I am not ready to go through this right now! Josh was running around the house trying to get things but I just wanted to leave and get to the hospital. We made it safely to the hospital, barely, Josh was shaking and getting dizzy, but we made it! When I got there they hooked me up to monitors, water still coming out, and she made sure my water did break, then she hooked monitors up to me. Soon afterwards I felt the contractions. She finally checked me since I have never been checked. I was dilated to a "one" at 11:30. As the contractions got more intense I got more nervous and Josh was so good he really tried to comfort me by talking to me but I didn't want him to touch me. I had in my head if he touched me the contractions got worse, which they didn't. Mandy came to the hospital and she stayed a long time but then she went home when I was a five and everyone thought it would be in there for a while before I got to a ten. When they checked me next I was at a three, then I went from a three to a five, then to a seven. Fifteen minutes later I was dilated to a TEN! Josh called Mandy who came back to the hospital. I could feel the urge to push. (oh, I never got my epidural, I had to get a spinal thing, which wore off fast). So the whole time the guy was trying to put in my spinal I was trying not to push but that is impossible. I was comfortable for about an hour until it wore off. I pushed for two hours. I couldn't believe how I could feel everything, I thought I'd be pain free, but that isn't what happened. Addyson Sage was born at 7:08 on May 23,2010. She weighted 5lbs. 10.5 oz and 19 inches long. She was so tiny. When I first saw her I just couldn't believe that she was mine,she was beautiful and had a lot of dark hair! Josh and I were just crying. I am very thankful for Mandy and Joe. They helped me out a ton and are still helping me out. I've been very stressed. Addyson dropped down in weight to 5lbs. even. I tried breastfeeding. She was good at latching, but I didn't think she was getting enough since her weight went down. Nurses worked with us. I couldn't wait to get out of the hospital but I was scared to come home and feed by myself. We ended up finger feeding her formula to get her weight up. Every day since we got discharged we have been going to back to the hospital to get weight and her jaundice count. She's been slowly gaining. After a couple of nights of long feedings and very very little sleep, Josh and I were at ends with the breastfeeding, I was constantly crying and he was super grouchy and snappy at me. So we decided to get formula and feed her that way. Its been really nice to have some sleep and us not jumping at each others throats. So far she was weighing at 5lbs. 3.7oz. Today we go back, so I'm hoping that the formula/breast milk I'm pumping, is doing the job. We are very proud and love her so much. Mandy and Joe came to dinner with us to celebrate her coming into the world, just like we did when we first found out we were pregnant. We really wish our family would come and visit but we understand why they can't, but its hard with just us, but then again we have Mandy and she has been a very big help, I hope I can be a big help when her next one comes!
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