Josh, Addyson & I arrived in Lewiston on Saturday morning, when I say morning I'm talking about like 12:30 a.m. We stayed at Cheryl, Mike, & Derecks house. We all stayed up talking until two and then we all slept. Addy girl didn't like the enviroment so she basically woke up every hour. We had a good trip over we only had to really stop once and then again in one town close to Clarkston to get some gas so we fed Addyson there too. It was an interesting trip. Josh went back the next day after having a full day with Dereck. Addyson and I went to my grandmas, her great grandparents, and stayed until Monday, I wanted to stay longer but Jessa claimed she had to registered as soon as possible. Lets just say Monday night was the worst night of my life. My sister & sister-in-law were really disrespectful & my sisters boyfriend threating to kick my husbands butt because he thinks h can, kind of ticked me off. I spent all day Tuesday crying. My parents finally came home, I was happ. On a good note Addyson is adored by her great grandpa Wes, which is Josh's grandpa, and his parents of course. Nicole finally got to see her but I wouldn't let her take her on Tuesday, I don't think tht will ever happen, maybe when she is older. Justin, he is of course the wild child of the bunch still. He calls Addy, BABY now, not Addy. Everyone is just loving Addyson, She has been held by everyone. (add pictures later)